Staying abreast of privately held companies is challenging. Sourcescrub gives you the tools to track portfolios easily. Stay on top of all of the important events in your (or other's) portfolios with one platform.
Stay On Top of Your Portfolios
Get a single view of your portfolios and what's happening key business signals.
Keep Your Eye on Targets
See how others are doing and keep potential targets top of mind.
Identify Possible Opportunities
Track when companies might be ready to transact. Keep on top of key news and announcements.
"Overall, the Sourcescrub platform has made us vastly more efficient in identifying sectors for possible investment, identifying companies of interest, and identifying add-on acquisition targets for our current portfolio companies. Compared to our activity several years ago, Sourcescrub has completely reset the standard for our sourcing model and output."
Prairie Capital
One Strong and Concentrated View
The ability to see groups of companies has always been important, but hard to do. Sourcescrub gives you a number of ways to create and organize lists, and the companies are always up to date.
Easily Organize Your Data
Our use of tags allows you to group companies by portfolio, sector, vintage or competitor. Use tags to organize work across your team.
Stay Notified
Set alerts on company events, announcements and activity that keeps you up to speed.
Configurable Dashboards
Our web platform's dashboard gives you a single view of activity on the platform. You can organize all your information in one place.
Never Miss a Deal
Sourcescrub gives dealmakers the most complete, accurate, and connected view of private markets available so they see more opportunities and win more often.